Nefertiti makes the loveliest babies. She has incredible black eye liner, and a magnificent coat. She loves her babies so much and is a wonderful mamma.
Our Foxy Roxy girl is a brown patched tabby with white and produces beautiful bicolor, calico, and patched tabby babies like herself. She also carries the dilute and color point genes (Himalayan) and will bring many of our darling blue eyed beauties to Dreamdoll’s. She is an incredible mom.
Destiny of Dreamdolls is our little superstar. She has a spunky adorable personality and loves to talk. She is a lovely chinchilla blue golden, and we are thrilled to finally call her a mamma! Her babies are just as sweet as she is. She is such a good mommy and makes us so proud!
Milani is our beautiful and sweet chinchilla silver Mamma. She is sassy, but also one of our most affectionate cats and is just full of love! She has a sparkling white coat and big beautiful green eyes. We adore her.
Jewel was born here at Dreamdolls out of Chanel and Armani. She is a silver patched tabby with white. She is an exemplary model of what we strive for in our offspring. She has a lovely sweet short doll face, glorious full fluffy coat as any Persian should have, and an absolutely sweet as sugar temperament. She loves being a mother and she could not love her babies any more! We are so proud of her!
Dreamdoll’s ‘Dream’. This beauty was born here and is a direct daughter out of Star. The moment I laid eyes on her I knew she had to stay with us. She has a beautiful light red golden coat and lovely eye color, with perfect black eyeliner. Her temperament is sugar sweet and she adores everyone. She is very puppy like! she produced her first litter this year in 2024 and we could not be more pleased
This is my special girl Neela. She came to me from a good breeder friend, and she has been such a joy to have. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous (have you ever seen such eyes in your life?), but she has a sweet and easy going temperament. She is a silver chinchilla point with incredible piercing blue eyes. We are blessed to have her. She will make us lovely goldens, silvers, golden points, and chinchilla points like herself.
Nabi is a quiet, gentle little lady. She is more of an observer and everyone’s friend. She makes beautiful goldens and blue goldens. We love this sweet mamma very much.
Asia is a gorgeous shaded golden with incredible dark green eyes and jet black eyeliner. She is sweet as can be, and her babies are proving to be just as amazing as she is. Asia also carries the color point gene.
Lacey is our Dearheart chinchilla silver beauty. She’s absolute perfection as far as a Chinchilla silver goes. Her coat is snow white. She has perfect jet black eyeliner and nose liner, and beautiful green eyes. She is an impeccable mother, we are so grateful for this precious girl!
Soleil is a little princess and she knows it! She is a very rare golden point Himalayan (blue eyed golden). She is an absolute little doll. She has the biggest blue eyes, a huge coat, and she is very petite. we are looking forward to some sweet babies in 2025. We can expect both seal golden and blue golden points.We can expect both seal golden like mamma, and also blue golden points.
Chanel is one of the matriarchs at DD. She has produced many stunning bicolored babies with perfect doll faces and lovely markings. She is a wonder mother and friend.